You are what you think

 Wednesday, October 7, 2009

There is great power in our thoughts. We all have it; self talk or the thoughts we think to ourselves. You may already know what I’m referring to. If you don’t, I’ll give you an example: you’ve said something you shouldn’t have or you’ve made a mistake- you think “why did I do such a thing” or “I’m so stupid.” This is harsh and extreme but these are the very thoughts we are having. We’re our own toughest critics, often demanding more than others expect. We need to enforce new habits and retrain our mental processes to do different. Why? Well, because we eventually begin believing our own negative self talk and what we emphasize will ultimately grow. If you think about it: what precedes any action, well, why a thought doesn’t it? It must begin as a thought or idea for it to finally become reality.

I believe the cure to this is in affirmations. Affirmations are statements declared to be true; always in the positive and in the present, as if it already exists. So, let’s (literally) convince ourselves of ways to benefit and grow. I suggest we learn to accept our own self worth, first believing we are loved and deserving of all the good the universe has to offer. Without this basic and primary belief, nothing more is possible or can grow from within us. Once the foundation is set, we can believe and learn to trust anything is possible. And anything is possible; as long as you first plant that seed. When the seed is nurtured and reinforced with repetition, it can and will come true!

Some affirmations I like are:

I love you, I really really love you!
I love and approve of myself.
I am loving and lovable.
I love the world and the world loves me.
(taken from Louise L Hay & Shakti Gawain)

When said in the mirror, they become even more powerful. Make this a habit; perhaps it’s first thing when you get up in the morning. Incorporate it into your routine when you wash your face or brush your teeth. Paste it to your mirror until it becomes something you do naturally and most of all…. believe.

Eventually expand this to other areas in your life as you’d like to see become reality.

I’ll be there right along with you…. Good luck!


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