Change is inevitable

 Friday, October 2, 2009

Today I feel somewhat creative in my writing so I'm posting again. This time, I feel like talking about Change.

It is change,
continuing change,
inevitable change,
that is the dominant factor 
in society today.
by Isaac Asimov

Change is all around us - the seasons change and those living in NorthEastern United States feel that the temperatures got cooler, our environment overall is changing and many countries / regions experience drastic changes like earth quakes, floods, or droughts. Technology is changing and with that our wants, needs, and possibilities are changing as well. Needless to say, our economy is changing as well and our needs change but also new opportunities arise. Sometimes friends move or families relocate and we are left with a void or with a new start. With so many sources of change and often just as many stressors that affect us on a daily basis, we may feel overwhelmed, uprooted, treated unfairly, afraid, and/or out of control. Our first defense usually is to hold on to the past not wanting to go with the change. However, when our mind calms down, when the whirlpool that sucked us to the ocean's ground can go no further, we finally let go. And that is the moment we emerge again, only more stronger and with a new willingness to approach life.

In the spirit of change, this blog will change its format from mainly focusing on skin care and homemade body products to include a broader variety of topics such as wellness, buddhism, spirituality, massage therapy, or body-mind connection. Look out for new topics coming soon. Also, my first homemade soap is ready to be unveiled next weekend so I'm going to write something about that as well.

Be well and live well ♥


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