Safe Cosmetics

 Friday, August 21, 2009

I just came across this article and thought it needs to be shared... the article talks about skin care and the most commonly used irritants in our cosmetic products. By "going natural" and using homemade products or products without any preservatives or other additives, you can eliminate unnecessary toxins from your body and life. Cleaning your house with Lemon, Vinegar, Thieves Essential Oils Cleaner, or other biodegradable and non-toxic cleaners is just as important as using body products made with only natural ingredients. We are surrounded by toxins on a daily basis. Just as an example, there are 63 pollutant sources in my neighborhood coming from the air, ground, water, and radio waves within a 10 km (6 miles) radious. Most computers / laptops work with wireless now and cell phone usage has gone up from 63 million to 203 million within the last 10 years (Accuconference). There seem to be 28 cell phone towers, 3 sources point toward water pollution, 1 source to ground pollution, and 31 sources to air pollution close to where I live. Since these pollutants are out of my control, the only thing I can do is control what I use in my household and for myself.

Be courteous to yourself and treat yourself with lots of TLC! Try to stay away from chemicals as much as you can and recycle as much as possible!

Accuconference -
Article mentioned in this blog -


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