"Achew" ...

 Saturday, April 16, 2011

When people hear "achew" followed by another sneeze and another, they usually stay away and think "don't come too close to me. I don't want to catch what you are having." However, it does not always need to be a cold; it could also be allergies, especially in the spring. For the first time this year, the pollen found in my neighborhood are tickling my nose ... badly! My "achew's" are due to hay fever.

What is Hay Fever?
Hay Fever is an allergic reaction to pollen. The body's immune system is reacting to pollen as if it were threatening the body thus is trying to get rid of the "invasion" (the pollen). The body reacts with sneezing, runny nose, watery eyes... all symptoms of hay fever and all are meant to cleanse the body from the unwanted pollen and mistaken threat. My immune system receives wrong information from my brain that signals and sends messages to all the T helper cells "Invasion! We are under attack! We must fight back!" And they do...

Natural Treatment for Hay Fever
I found that inhaling essential oils is calming my sneeze attacks as well as the watery eyes, itching and tickling of my nose. I've made my own Hay Fever Blend with Roman Chamomile, Lavender, Lemon, and Rosemary. This blend works wonders and in order to be able to carry it around with me wherever I go, I put it in an inhaler as well as made a salve.

Hay Fever Blend
3 drops Roman Chamomile
3 drops Lavender
2 drops Lemon
2 drops Rosemary (or Eucalyptus)

The inhaler consists of 4 parts. Add the hay fever blend to the white cotton stick, then hold the tube upside down and drop the cotton stick (hold it with tweezers) into it. Attach the bottom plug to the tube (push it in) and voila, the inhaler is ready to use. The remaining part is the protection tube.

1/8 teaspoon Beeswax
1/8 teaspoon Coconut Oil
2/8 teaspoon Shea Butter
Hay Fever Blend

Melt the beeswax and the oils in a double boiler, let cool down a little bit then add the hay fever blend. Fill into a small container and use it on your nostrils and sinus area. It leaves your skin soft and silky-smooth while allowing the essential oils to penetrate into your skin and calm the attacks.

Be well and feel well!


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