Get through Tax Crunch Time

 Thursday, April 2, 2009

I realized, I haven't blogged in a while. Time has been flying by too fast and now it's tax crunch time. For that reason, today's blog is in the color "green" as it represents nature, life, new beginnings, and renewal. Green has calming attributes. Incorporate green into your life or at least visualize the color "green" (or just fresh grass, palm trees or whatever you wish that is green). Breathe in slowly, hold your breath for a moment and then breathe out. Repeat at least 3 times to get a better effect.

If you have done your taxes already - congratulations!!!

If you are like me, you do them in the last possible moment. Procrastination! Maybe you could use some "Grounding" Essential Oils to get your gears going. Making decisions instead of postponing them. This essential oil is wonderful as it serves as an "anchor" in our busy and hectic lives and especially when we do not want to deal with reality. The scent of White Fir, spruce, Ylang Ylang, pine, cedarwood, angelica, and Juniper give a great boost to our idle minds.

"Peace & Calming" can help you to get through crunch time when you want to pull your hair because you are looking for all your statements and receipts. This essential oil takes the stress off and you get a sense of relaxation in the midst of chaos. It is wonderful!!! It signals your nervous system to take a step back and calm down a notch or two. The citrus smells of tangerine and orange are deeply soothing, patchouli gives you a sense of security (yes, you can do it!), and idaho tansy and ylang ylang give this blend the right note.

So, good luck and get these papers filled out!


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